2013 International Conference of Japanese Studies

“The 3.11 Disaster of Japan: Vulnerability, Loss, and Social Transformation”
25-26 January 2013
Ateneo de Manila University

Day 1                 Venue: Leong Auditorium

8:30                    Registration

9:30                    Welcome Remarks
             Filomeno V. Aguilar, Ph.D.   
          Dean, School of Social Sciences, Ateneo de Manila University

          Opening Remarks
          Shūji Takatori
          Director, the Japan Foundation Manila Office

10:00-12:30    Session 1:

Post-Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction for the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
Satoshi Tanaka
 Fuji Tokoha University and Graduate School

Business Responses to Crisis: Conflicting Paradigms and Reorientation
Hendrik Meyer-Ohle, Ph.D
National University of Singapore                                 

No Title
Atty. Violeta S. Seva, 
General Secretary, Earthquakes and Megacities Initiatives                              

12:30-1:30       Lunch

1:30-2:30         Documentary Film
                             Can You See the Lights? First Festival after the Tsunami

2:30-2:45         Coffee Break

2:45-4:00         Session 2:

Social Capital, Social Media and Sociality in Post-3.11 Japan
David H. Slater, Ph.D.
Sophia University

Filipino Communities in Tohoku after the Disasters of March 11
Takefumi Terada, Ph.D. 
Sophia University

4:00                    Reminders for Day 2
Day 2                 Venue: Leong Hall

8:30                    Registration

9:00-10:30       Session 3:

Reviving Tohoku after 3/11: Food Heritage Preservation and Tourism
Stephanie Assmann, Ph.D
 Akita University

Risk Distribution of Fukushima-related Disaster Waste―From a Risk Governance Perspective
Research Faculty of Media and Communication, Hokkaido University
Medical Disaster in the 3-11 Triple Tragedy in Northeastern Japan: An Analysis of Disaster Response Issues and Problems
        Arnel E. Joven, Ph.D
       University of Asia and the Pacific
10:30-10:45    Coffee Break

10:45-12:15    Session 4:
Social Capital and volunteerism after the Great East Japan Earthquake
Cecilia Manoliu
University of Tsukuba

Disaster Vulnerability and Coping in a Foreign Environment: 
The Narrative of the Pinoy Scholars in Tohoku during 3.11
Lisette R. Robles
Sophia University
The March 2011 Japan Disaster: 
Trade and Economic Implications to the Philippines
Ferdinand T. Abocejo
Cebu Normal University

12:15                 Closing Remarks

Call for Papers for the 2013 International Conference on Japanese Studies

“The 3.11 Disaster of Japan: Vulnerability, Loss, and Social Transformation”
25 and 26 January 2013

We are pleased to announce the 13th International Conference on Japanese Studies of the Ateneo de Manila University in the Philippines, from 25 to 26 January 2013. The theme this year is “The 3.11 Disaster of Japan: Vulnerability, Loss, and Social Transformation.” The conference aims to provide a lively forum for academics, scholars, educators, and professionals who are interested on how Japan handles disaster and enable the exchange of new and various approaches and perspectives in an informal interdisciplinary setting.  Furthermore, the conference wishes to highlight learnings which can be applicable within the Philippine context. 
With climate change, the intensity and frequency of natural disasters has been increasing in the world. Though its correlation to change in the natural environment is not straightforwardly seen, the recent 3.11 disaster, the Tohoku Earthquake and earthquake-induced disasters, became landmarks that show human beings are now facing the enormous power of environmental change, highlighting the vulnerabilities of a first world country such as Japan.  Disasters occur at the interface of environment, society and technology. They are not only biophysical events, but they are also inevitably situated in particular social and cultural contexts. The important issues in disasters are often the issues of societies, and the view that relocates disasters from events to processes inexorably entails concerns about cultures. This conference aims to approach the theme with the perspective of the socio-cultural framework in order to understand not only the disaster itself but on how Japanese society coped in where it occurred. It will be composed of three parts: 1) Risk and Vulnerability which deals with pre-existing issues of Japanese society, 2) Displacement and Loss which includes the problem of the loss of connectedness and the consequent loss of self, and 3) Recovery and Resilience which addresses post-disaster change and possible future of Japanese society.

We are now accepting abstracts (300-500 words) for papers looking at multi-disciplinary approaches towards disaster research in Japan.  We particularly encourage critical studies in the following areas:

Approaches in disaster research
Disaster in Japanese history
Risk and vulnerability of Japanese society
Mitigation, preparedness and responses
Post-disaster care
Media, education and disaster
Disaster and gender 
Disaster and religions
Disaster in globalization
Civil society and "disaster volunteers"  
Recovery and the creation of post-disaster society

Other related topics are also welcome. Please email abstracts to jspadmu@gmail.com on or before 19 October 2012. All submissions will be refereed.

Venue:  Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City, Philippines
Dates: 25 and 26 January 2013
Fees: waived

We very much hope to see you there.   

Conference Conveners:

Karl Ian Cheng Chua, Ph.D.
Hiroko Nagai, Ph.D.
Japanese Studies Program
Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines

Antonio G.M. La Vina, LLM, JSD
Ateneo School of Government, Philippines

This conference is supported by the Japan Foundation in cooperation with the Ateneo School of Government.
If you require any further information, please email: jspadmu@gmail.com
Japanese Studies Program

invites everyone to

2012 International Conference

27 - 28 January 2012, Ricardo Leong Hall Auditorium
Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Heights, Quezon City

Under globalization, migration is no longer a peculiar topic of academic inquiry but an indispensable part of the social sciences.  This two-day conference aims to approach this theme from various viewpoints. It will be composed of three parts: the history of Japanese out-migration; the socio-economic issues of contemporary in-migration to Japan in the context of internationalism and the aging society; and the multi-cultural society of Japan. It attempts to scrutinize the politics of population mobility from and to Japan, and explore the possibility of a multi-cultural society in and of Japan, which would encompass diverse definitions of ?Japanese? and spaces that embrace people with different ethnic backgrounds.

International speakers who will attend this year include: Dr. Aurora Javate-de Dios (Miriam College), Prof. Angelo Ishi (Musashi University), Dr. Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu (Stanford University), Dr. Soo Im Lee (Ryukoku University), Prof. Shun Ohno (Kyushu University), and many more.  Some sessions will allow young Filipino researchers in the field to present their most recent works. It is hoped that this line up of presentations by seasoned and new, as well as international and local scholars, will stimulate vibrant discussions on various topics and approaches in the field of migration studies, which is increasingly significant in this era of globalization, and help create new networks among major institutions related to Japanese studies.

P800 for two days and P500 for each day, inclusive of snacks, lunch and a
 conference kit.
Non-Ateneo students: P250 for each day, Ateneo students: free
Ateneo Loyola Schools faculty: registration fee of 20 LS faculty members will
 be subsidized by the Office of the Vice President for the Loyola Schools

In order to facilitate conference time management and to reduce waiting time, early registration is recommended.

Registration Form

For inquiries and confirmation of attendance, please contact Japanese  Studies Program, Ateneo de Manila University at 426-6001 local 5248,  5249 and 426-4326, or jspadmu atgmail.com (c/o Dr. Karl Ian Uy Cheng Chua).

Sponsored by the Japan Foundation